Ambrosia salad edward scissorhands
Ambrosia got caught in the middle of the fray, died, and then transformed into a vine. For years, scholars were split on whether ambrosia was a liquid beverage or solid food. Confusion arose because stories from the time described the delicacy ambrosia salad edward scissorhands different ways. For example, Homer typically characterized ambrosia as a morsel of food.
I dreamed the goddess poured ambrosia over your head—out of a ladle. These days, however, historians who concentrate on Greek mythology are reasonably confident that ancient ambrosia had the consistency of honey. Take, for example, Menelaus and his men in the Odyssey: They disguised themselves in seal skins to evade detection. So, to help out, a goddess bearing ambrosia descended from the heavens.
Whether a solid food, drink or perfume, ambrosia played a prominent role in Greek literary history and mythology. If you use any of the content on this page in your own work, please use the code below to cite this page as the source of the content. Progetto:Forme di vita – implementazione Classificazione APG IV. Il taxon oggetto di questa voce deve essere sottoposto a revisione tassonomica. Sono considerate piante infestanti e ne esistono più di trenta specie in tutto il mondo.
Hanno una apparenza molto ordinaria e pur essendo molto diffuse, passano frequentemente inosservate. Quasi nessun erbivoro le cerca e non ospitano molti insetti. Molte si sono adattate a climi aridi del deserto. I dati morfologici si riferiscono soprattutto alle specie europee e in particolare a quelle spontanee italiane.