Babybel cheese
Babybel ist der Markenname eines von der Molkerei Fromageries Bel in Frankreich industriell hergestellten halbfesten Schnittkäses aus Kuhmilch. Seit 1952 ist der rote Babybel in kleinen runden Laiben mit Paraffinüberzug im Handel erhältlich, wodurch er bis zu 10 Tage auch ungekühlt babybel cheese werden kann.
Er ist der kleine Bruder des Bonbel, der früher in gleichen ca. 150 g fassenden Paraffinpackungen verkauft wurde. Sein Geschmack ist mild, die Konsistenz bei Zimmertemperatur relativ weich. Es gibt mehrere Arten von Babybel, die sich in Größe, Fettgehalt und Geschmack unterscheiden.
Herkunftsland Frankreich verkauften Mini Babybel wiegen 22 g pro Stück. Nach Angaben des Herstellers werden alle Varianten, außer dem grünen Mini Babybel, ohne Konservierungsstoffe hergestellt. Bel Deutschland GmbH, abgerufen am 12. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 13.
Dezember 2022 um 12:26 Uhr bearbeitet. Regelfall durch Anklicken dieser abgerufen werden. Vašim e-mailům se věnujeme 7 dní v týdnu. Podle zákona o evidenci tržeb je prodávající povinen vystavit kupujícímu účtenku. In the United States Le Groupe Bel produces the Mini Babybel cheeses in Kentucky. In March 2016, Bel Brands USA opened a new plant in Brookings, South Dakota.
At the time, Bel Brands projected that its 250 employees would produce 1. 12,700 employees in 30 subsidiaries around the world and that their first Canadian office would be in Quebec. Mini Babybel is known for its packaging, consisting of a netted bag in which each piece of cheese is encased in a blend of coloured paraffin and microcrystalline wax. Numerous flavors of Mini Babybel are offered across the world. An advertising jingle associated with the product plays on the lyrics of the song “Barbara Ann” by The Regents. The advertising for Babybel in the UK in the late 1990s and early 2000s had the slogan “Too tasty to share”.
As of 2012, a recording of the song “Get in Line” by I’m from Barcelona has been used in their adverts, where the band rerecorded the song with a children’s choir. A BEHIND THE SCENES LOOK AT THE BEL SAGA”. Bel voit grand pour son mini Babybel en Mayenne”. Brookings Mini Babybel cheese plant part of South Dakota push to boost dairies, milk products”. Babybel maker apologises for ‘clumsy’ gaffe”.
Babybel, a French version of Dutch Edam cheese, has been sold internationally by ‘The Bel Group, France’ since 1952. In 1977, the company introduced Babybel’s smaller version, ‘Mini Babybel’, a delightful snack packed with calcium and ready to eat anytime and anywhere. Mini Babybel is consumed outside of France. Babybel, a semi-hard cheese, is made from pasteurised cow milk. It comes in a net bag where each piece features a distinctive red wax coating. As of now, there are seven flavours offered in the US – Original, Sharp Original, Light, Bonbel, White Cheddar, Cheddar, and Gouda. Babybel is marketed as an on-the-go snack and is available in various flavours.
So, jazz up your snack routine and enjoy sophisticated cheese. Put your store on our map! Want to be listed on cheese. Use our large database to learn more about your favourite dairy! Fun fact: Did you know Pecorino Romano was a part of the staple diet of Roman soldiers? 1830 cheese From popular Cheddar to exotic Shanklish and from soft to firm cheeses, you can find information such as Flavour, Rind, Producers, Fat Content, Type and Country of Origin.
So share the fun facts and spread the deliciousness! With our expert tips, we guarantee everyone will be grateful for your brie-lliant knowledge. Vašim e-mailům se věnujeme 7 dní v týdnu. Podle zákona o evidenci tržeb je prodávající povinen vystavit kupujícímu účtenku.