Beer battered fries
Beer is brewed all over the world. Christmas cards that people do send to other people that they beer battered fries’t know at all well. With lashings of food and great hogsheads of beer. A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc.
A solution produced by steeping plant materials in water or another fluid. A glass, bottle, or can of any of the above beverages. I bought a few beers from the shop for the party. Can I buy you a beer? I’d like two beers and a glass of white wine.
A variety of the above beverages. Pilsner is one of the most commonly served beers in Europe. I haven’t tried this beer before. The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables.
1870, Sidney Daryl, His First Brief. 304: No doubt he then can feed us, wine us, beer us, And cook us something that can warm and cheer us. To his astonishment she obeyed his command, appearing a minute later with a glass of beer and a wry smile. That meant, among other things, that he was going to be a fast-moving doer. And even when he was three or four, it wasn’t hard for me to know that this wasn’t going to be easy. A bear, any member of the family Ursidae De beer drinkt bier. Wat een beer van een vent daar voorin, he?
What a bear of a guy there in front, huh? De kinderboerderij heeft een aantal zeugen en maar één beer. The petting zoo has a number of sows and only one boar. Wie doet er nu beer in zijn bier? Who in the world would put liquid manure in his beer? Door haar gokverslaving zat ze met een enorme beer opgescheept. Due to her gambling addiction she was saddled with an enormous debt.
Henry zag niet zijn beren op de weg, maar wel bij hem op de stoep. Henry didn’t see his creditors on the road, but he did see them on his doorstep. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This article is about the alcoholic drink. Beer is distributed in bottles and cans and is also commonly available on draught, particularly in pubs and bars. Beer forms part of the culture of many nations and is associated with social traditions such as beer festivals, as well as a rich pub culture involving activities like pub crawling, pub quizzes and pub games.
When beer is distilled, the resulting liquor is a form of whisky. In early forms of English, and in the Scandinavian languages, the usual word for beer was the word whose Modern English form is ale. In Old English and Old Norse, the beer-word did not denote a malted alcoholic drink like ale, but a sweet, potent drink made from honey and the juice of one or more fruits other than grapes, much less ubiquitous than ale, perhaps served in the kind of tiny drinking cups sometimes found in early medieval grave-goods: a drink more like mead or cider. Beer is one of the world’s oldest prepared alcoholic drinks. Almost any substance containing sugar can naturally undergo alcoholic fermentation, and can thus be utilized in the brewing of beer. It is likely that many cultures, on observing that a sweet liquid could be obtained from a source of starch, independently invented beer.