Broiled sirloin steak
Ideally you should trim away all the visible fat before broiled sirloin steak top sirloin steak. Top sirloin steak can certainly be lean and low in calories, but if you’re one who prefers a lot of marbling — or ribbons of fat — in your steak, you’ll get way more fat and calories than you may realize. However, sirloin steak nutrition also includes protein and several vitamins and minerals.
If you have a broiled top sirloin steak with all the fat trimmed away, a 3-ounce cut provides 186 top sirloin calories, according to the USDA. Generally the more marbling you see in your steak, the less protein you’ll get, since fat takes up a bigger chunk of the weight. For example, that 3-ounce top sirloin with one-eighth an inch of fat has about 23 grams of protein. You’ll get up to 13 grams of total fat from a 3-ounce broiled top sirloin steak, depending on the amount of marbling and edge fat. While some fat in your diet is essential to absorb certain vitamins and produce hormones and enzymes, not all fats are good for you. Over one-third of the total fat in any top sirloin steak is saturated, a type of fat linked to heart disease.
Less than 10 percent of calories should come from saturated fat, according to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. For a 2,000-calorie diet, this is a maximum of 22 grams of saturated fat. A fully trimmed 3-ounce top sirloin has less than 4 grams of saturated fat. Lean, fully-trimmed steaks have a slightly higher concentration minerals, but they all have a similar amount. One 3-ounce top sirloin nutrition facts includes 4. 4 milligrams of zinc, a mineral that boosts your immune system, heals wounds and helps produce enzymes. Red meat, in general, is rich in iron to improve oxygen transportation throughout your body.