Burrito bowl ingredients
Sorry, this content is not available in your region. 001 Tacos burrito bowl ingredients carnitas, carne asada y al pastor. Mexican food consisting of a small hand-sized corn- or wheat-based tortilla topped with a filling.
The tortilla is then folded around the filling and eaten by hand. The origins of the taco are not precisely known, and etymologies for the culinary usage of the word are generally theoretical. According to one etymological theory, the culinary origin of the term “taco” in Mexico can be traced to its employment, among Mexican silver miners, as a term signifying “plug. The miners used explosive charges in plug form, consisting of a paper wrapper and gunpowder filling. One possibility is that the word derives from the Nahuatl word “tlahco”, meaning “half” or “in the middle,” in the sense that food would be placed in the middle of a tortilla. There is significant debate about the origins of the Taco in Mexico, with some arguing that the taco predates the arrival of the Spanish in Mexico, since there is anthropological evidence that the indigenous people living in the lake region of the Valley of Mexico traditionally ate tacos filled with small fish.
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