Carne asada near me
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4chan Pass users can bypass this verification. Please read the Rules and FAQ before posting. 10 replies and 1 image omitted. 8 replies and 2 images omitted.
I want is crispy rendered skin like this. I started doing it because of inflation. 117 replies and 48 images omitted. It may be on sale in some countries but it isn’t on sale here anymore. What kind if shithole country do you live in where you don’t have frosted miniwheats?
Damn bro, just get any old wheats and frost them shits yourself. That Bruce fag that went fem? Yes those ones, I’ll snap a pic later. 40 years old and 470lbs, if I can’t lose weight I’m going to die soon. I have tried literally everything and I can’t break the addiction to food.
I want to give up on trying to make food palatable and force myself to eat one thing for a long time until I can unfuck my body and my brain. What is the simplest most nutritionally complete meal I can eat that won’t tempt me to have 2 or 3 helpings. I just want something bland that I can prep ahead of time for the week and just pull it out of the fridge and force it down and forget about food until I have to eat again. 68 replies and 6 images omitted.