Carp recipes
Below you can find a complete list of ingredients, as well as the foods they can produce. As you might already know, in the game you need to eat consistently, just like you would in real life. Your character will also need to drink clean water, so make sure that you’ve got that covered as well. Some carp recipes the foods below will provide a lot more than just a little bit of HP, but will also grant you buffs that can be extremely useful depending on the situation.
Let’s start out with the complete list of ingredients, then move on to the recipes you can cook. These would be all the ingredients currently available in the game. Let us know down in the comments section below! We are hiring game guide writers! Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. If mobile gaming is your passion and you want to get paid to create guides, you’re in the right place. Check out our job ad today!
You have entered an incorrect email address! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. A sausage recipe is just the first step for making quality sausage.
The manufacturing process consists of certain rules which must be strictly followed, otherwise the best recipe and most expensive spices will not produce a good sausage. Changing parameters of the manufacturing process will produce a different type of the sausage even if the sausage recipe remains basically the same. Keep in mind that different types of sausages originate from the same region or a city and may carry the same name, but are made using a different manufacturing process. Moscow sausage does not mean much unless it is followed by its type: Moscow Smoked Sausage, Moscow Dry Sausage, Moscow Blood Sausage etc. It is impossible to define a sausage by saying it is Polish, German or Russian sausage unless the name is followed by the sausage type or the place of its origin. There isn’t one standardized recipe for any of the sausages.
The best meat science books, written by the foremost experts, list different ingredients for the same sausage, but don’t tell you how to make a great product. Once, you know the basic rules, you will transform any sausage recipe into a wonderful product. The most important rules for making quality sausages are listed below with enclosed links to more information on the subject. Good quality meats make good sausages, that simple. However, before being processed, the meat must be cold, especially fat which should be partially frozen, otherwise the cuts will not be clean.
This step separates great smoked meats and sausages from low-quality mass-produced supermarket variety which are produced too fast in order to develop the curing flavor which creates a superior smoked ham or sausage. Manual knives and grinder knives must be sharp to produce clean cuts, however, if meat and fat is not cold, the cuts will be smeared. Meat becomes sticky and can be easily formed into balls. Casings should be filled without any visible air pockets. If they occur, they should be pricked with a needle. Most sausage types are firmly stuffed except liver and blood sausages which might expand during cooking.
This, usually neglected process, is very important for smoked sausages. Not all sausages are smoked, besides, smoked products are more popular in some countries than others. There is a great confusion here about smoking temperatures, wood and smokehouses. To make it very simple-do not apply smoke when sausages are still moist and do not smoke at too high temperature. After cooking the sausages are cooled in cold water or air. Then they are consumed or refrigerated. Cooling also prevents shriveling of the sausage so it remains plump.
All uncooked meats or sausages should be treated as fresh meat. We can keep on hand an amount that will be consumed within a few days but the rest should be frozen. Fresh sausages are not-ready-to-eat sausages which are the easiest to make. The manufacturing process ends with stuffing spiced meat or meat with other materials into a casing. They are either consumed within hours or kept for a few days in refrigerator. For longer storage they must be frozen. Before serving they must be fully cooked.
If a freshly stuffed sausage is fully cooked it becomes cooked sausage. Cooked sausages are ready-to-eat sausages regardless of whether they are heated or consumed cold. This huge group of sausages can be further subdivided by the method of cooking: smoked sausages baked in a smokehouse or cooked in water, unsmoked sausages cooked in water, emulsified sausages like hot dogs or bologna and even special sausages such as head cheeses, liver and blood sausages. The quality and color of the sausage is largely determined by choosing the liver. The way the liver, fat and meats are processed will have the biggest impact on the quality of the sausage.