Cute valentines ideas for long distance relationships
Click on any Cute valentines ideas for long distance relationships Face to copy ! ୨, cute kaomoji and cute emoticons for texting.
What do you think about this Russian recording of the term “всю свою жизнь”? Feel free to link to this translation! Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing! A 2016-01-18: 2nd link is cute little snowplow. A 2013-02-13: Not sure I get it? Do you know German-English translations not listed in this dictionary? Please tell us by entering them here!
Before you submit, please have a look at the guidelines. If you can provide multiple translations, please post one by one. Make sure to provide useful source information. Important: Please also help by verifying other suggestions! More than 1000 translations are waiting for verification.
The input form will only work from within the Contribute! This could be a link to an online dictionary or links to usage examples for both languages. You can also refer to a printed dictionary. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome!
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