Fancy valentine chocolates
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Complex or intricate: the fancy footwork fancy valentine chocolates a figure skater. Excessive or exorbitant: paid a fancy price for the car.
Bred for unusual qualities or special points. Something imagined or invented by the mind: “As the fancies that kept crowding in upon him only made him more excited, he got out of bed and tried to think. A capricious liking or inclination: I have a fancy for a glass of wine. A romantic liking or interest: She’s taken a fancy to you.
The enthusiasts or fans of a sport or pursuit considered as a group. The sport or pursuit, such as boxing, engaging the interest of such a group. To have a liking or enthusiasm for: fancies sports cars. To have a desire or inclination for: Would you fancy a cup of coffee? Do you think he fancies her? Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.