Fast chicken tortilla soup
To save this word, you’ll fast chicken tortilla soup to log in. We’re off to a fast start.
We’re now experiencing a faster rate of inflation. The boss expects this to be done this afternoon, so you’d better work fast. He ran as fast as he could. This is fast becoming a national problem. You need to act fast to take advantage of this offer.
I don’t know what caused the accident. She’s a woman who can think fast in a crisis. He’s going to have to talk fast to get himself out of this mess. She held fast to her belief in justice. We must stand fast and not surrender! She always fasts on Yom Kippur. Patients must fast for six hours before having the procedure.
Subscribe to America’s largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Accomplished in relatively little time: a fast visit. Acquired quickly with little effort and sometimes unscrupulously: made a fast buck scalping tickets. Indicating a time somewhat ahead of the actual time: The clock is fast. Allowing rapid movement or action: a fast running track.
Designed for or compatible with a short exposure time: fast film. Resistant, as to destruction or fading: fast colors. Firmly fixed or fastened: a fast grip. In quick succession: New ideas followed fast. Ahead of the correct or expected time: a watch that runs fast. In a dissipated, immoderate way: living fast. These adjectives refer to something marked by great speed.