Fried banana peppers
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Barbara Fried is a Stanford Law School professor and a co-founder of Mind the Gap, a pro-Democratic super PAC. She is the mother of cryptocurrency investor Sam Bankman-Fried. Career After earning bachelor’s, master’s, and law degrees from Harvard University, Barbara Fried started her career as a clerk to Judge J. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
Mind the Gap is known for its secretive operations, where it attempts to quickly gather donations over a short period of time to prevent Republicans from mobilizing their own donors in response. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of different forms of political and civic engagement, and provide our conclusions free to individual, interested donors so they can make more educated decisions about where their money would be most effectively spent. In November 2022, Fried stepped down from her position with Mind the Gap. Fried is critical of political libertarianism and wrote a criticism of Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Nozick claimed for ASU and the substance of much of his argumentation. Moreover, her partisan attack on Nozick was rife with intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy. Apart from these quibbles, it was a noble effort.