Fried pancakes
Man Leah is really fried today. She thought Drake was actually sitting fried pancakes the CN Tower for his Views album. Word which describes the state of being after smoking marijuana.
I smoked a whole dub by myself. Playa T – Yo man, Nate’s outta town and I’m bout to hook up with his chick. I saw her checkin me out last week and she gave me her phone number too. K-dogg – Y’all are both fried for what y’all bout to do. Man that class was too much. A feeling experienced while under the influence of lsd.
The feeling of mental and physical exhaustion following LSD use. Because of the common sensation of one’s surroundings or body vibrating during a trip, many compare this feeling to being a piece of bacon in a frying pan- sizzling away! That trip was awesome, but god I am fried! Fried ist ein Hauptvertreter der politischen Lyrik deutscher Sprache in der Nachkriegszeit, der T. Erich Fried wuchs in Wien als einziges Kind einer jüdischen Familie auf. Sein Vater Hugo war Spediteur und seine Mutter Nellie Grafikerin.