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Information about your use of our site is shared with Google for that purpose. Google Home unites your devices and services from Nest and home made bread sauce favorite brands. So you can build a personalized smart home that helps with any household task.
Discover the latest from Google Home. Join the Public Preview to try new Google Home app features early. See how smart lighting is helpful lighting. Helpful devices for your entire home. With Google Home, your Nest and Matter devices work together reliably to help with your household needs. Just look for smart devices with a Works with Google Home or Matter badge. Product categories”, “event”: “product_categories_click”, “section_header”: “Helpful devices for your entire home.
Find out about the latest update to the Google Home platform and the totally redesigned, more personalized Google Home app. The redesigned Home app makes it easier to control all your smart home accessories — on all your Apple devices. It’s secure and protects your personal data. New categories like Lights, Security, and Climate are at the top of the Home tab, giving you instant access to accessories and their status. View up to four cameras at once to quickly make sure each room is just as you left it. Color-coordinated icons help you find the accessories you’re looking for.