Homemade baba ganoush
Homemade baba ganoush-made cakes always taste better than factory-made ones. Las tortas caseras tienen mejor sabor que las industriales. It looked to me like his furniture was all homemade. Me pareció que todos sus muebles eran caseros.
The boys raced down the hill in their homemade go-kart. Los chicos hacían carreras de karting bajando la colina con sus go-karts caseros. Los chicos hacían carreras de karting bajando la colina con sus go-karts improvisados. How make a Homemade Solar Car? See Google Translate’s machine translation of ‘homemade’.
Homemade – Netflix Title Card – Logo. Homemade is an Italian-Chilean anthology series, following stories during the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of short films produced by filmmakers from all around the world. The short-film series is scheduled to leave Netflix on December 31, 2021. A mother composes a poem for her 5-year-old child, hoping he’ll remember what it was like growing up during the COVID-19 pandemic. A man in a nursing home sets up a video conference with a former girlfriend, who he confesses his never-ending love for.