Jamie oliver cook smart
We currently have over 100 million contacts worldwide. Through targeted filters, customers are able to find leads in 1 click. Our mission is to help our customers identify more sales opportunities, close more deals and accelerate growth. Jamie oliver cook smart subscribers enjoy unlimited access to all articles.
But there’s more: discover your full benefits now. Discover your full benefits as a Premium subscriber. Now I’m going for a walk out in the countryside. Actually, I’m going down to the pub for a quick one. That was Keith Floyd, in a clip from the BBC archives shown recently on Saturday Kitchen. 1980s, at a guess – had somehow metamorphosed into something delicious. Perhaps it succumbed to the undeniable charm of Floyd, just as the rest of us did.
Keith Floyd was the original celebrity chef. For the average viewer, however, it was Floyd’s personality far more than his cooking techniques that was the draw. He tried journalism first, then switched to the army, where he gained a commission in the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment in 1963. He was a talented chef and charming restaurateur who knew how to fill the tables.