June plum
June is a summer month in the northern june plum of the world, and a winter month in the southern half. It is named after Juno, the goddess of youth. June’s birth flower is the rose. June is the sixth month in the Gregorian calendar and has 30 days.
It is the first month of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere and astronomical winter in the Southern Hemisphere. What Is the Meaning of June? June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of youth and protection. Another etymology for the origin of June explains the month’s name with the Latin word for youth: June was dedicated to Iuventas, the young, while May was for the Maiores, the elders. Both explanations work equally well, as Juno is the goddess of youth.
It marks the first day of astronomical summer. The date varies between June 20, 21, and 22. In the Southern Hemisphere, the June solstice is the first day of astronomical winter since it is the shortest day of the year there. Sun seems to be standing still in the sky.