Keto baked goods
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Traditionally, many choose to thicken sauces and soups with high-carb ingredients like flour or cornstarch. If you’re eating very low carb, keto, or gluten-free, those are not good options. Instead, you can use alternative ingredients, which we’ll describe below. As an added plus, there are also some simple cooking techniques that yield a creamier consistency without adding carbs or dairy. Lastly, in this guide, we’ll walk you through which keto and low carb foods naturally thicken recipes and can add a bit of flavor, protein, and fat while keeping carbs low.
Get your personalized meal plan with a FREE 30-day trial! Top 5 keto thickener substitutes Most low carb or keto thickeners are made from vegetable gums or fiber and often have very few — if any — carbs. Some thickeners work best in cold applications while others work well for baking or cooking. Here are a few that we’ve used in our Diet Doctor test kitchens.