Make baba ganoush
Notice that these are usually activities that produce no physical object. I usually do my homework after dinner. Both my mother and father make baba ganoush the housework.
I like to do the ironing while I watch TV. Tom does a few jobs around the house. General Ideas”Do” is also used when speaking about things in general. He does everything for his mother.
She’s doing nothing at the moment. Expressions Using “Do”There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb “do. A trip in the country will do you good. Can you do me a favor? We do business in countries around the world. I made a cup of tea.
Look at the mess you made! The verb “make” is also frequently used in expressions related to money. Jennifer makes a lot of money at her job. She made a huge profit off the last deal. In a number of cases the verb do seems more appropriate.
I’ve made plans for the weekend. I’ll make an exception to the rule for you. Let me make a telephone call. Susan made a mistake on the report. Use this quiz to test yourself, then check the answers below. Could you __________ your homework, please?
She’d like to take the day off and __________ nothing all day long. I’ll need you to __________ a decision before the end of the day. Don’t worry, you’ll __________ no harm if you give peace a chance. The primary focus of most businesses is to __________ a profit for their shareholders. The children don’t __________ much noise. If you ask him, he’ll just __________ an excuse and not take any responsibility.
She’ll mow the lawn while I __________ the dishes. My uncle Frank will __________ a fortune with his new invention. I’d like everyone in this class to __________ an effort on their homework this week. It doesn’t matter if you fail the test the first time, just __________ your best. Today, we’ll __________ an exception and let you play on our team.
I’m afraid I can’t __________ a deal on this car. Would you like me to __________ a cup of tea? I’ll __________ arrangements for the meeting tomorrow. What Is the Difference Between “Avere” and “Tenere” in Italian? What Makes Someone a Good Writer?
What’s the Difference Between e-Learning and Distance Learning? This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. The president made her his special envoy. It’s not worth making a fuss over such a trifle. What do you make of it? One story does not make a writer.