Mom valentines day
I’m not ready for him to graduate high school this June. Writer, Blogger, and the mind behind My Dishwasher’s Possessed! Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you mom valentines day to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.
Mom, this was the first time we ever saw a movie alone, just the two of us. I was watching my 18-year-old son, coffee cup in his hand, looking up at me between bites of his doughnut. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I would walk him in his stroller to Dunkin’ Donuts? How could this man with the scruffy beard be the same toddler that I would hand-feed pieces of Munchkins to so he wouldn’t choke?
And is it true, had we really never seen a movie, just the two of us? We usually are with Dad, or Lizzy and Peter, or Grandpa. This is the first time it was just you and me. The minute he said it, I couldn’t help myself from wanting a do-over.
That’s it, he can’t be grown up, because we haven’t seen more movies together, just him and me. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been an at-home mom his whole life. I got to see first steps, hear his first words, and watch almost every play, field day, and concert he took part in. We’ve had our share of mother-son dates. Who cares if this was the first time we saw a movie alone together? I’ve had so much time with him.