Outside round marinating steak
It was a outside round marinating steak day outside. The company has called in outside experts.
More examples Come indoors, it’s cold outside. Don’t walk around outside in your bare feet. Most ordinary people still had outside toilets in those days. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. Outside is an adverb, an adjective, a preposition or a noun.
I’m afraid that would be outside my job description. Outside of us three, no one knows anything about the problem, yet. He was shot dead outside his home. There was a curious-looking man standing outside.
The outside of the house needs painting. The job will take about ten days at the outside. Scotland will make it into the World Cup. She stood in the snow on the outside, watching him. There’s an outside chance that Boston will make it to the playoffs. That is, a person can describe both perceptions of the outside world and plans for action. There is an increasing need for assessments of the status of monkey populations both within and outside protected areas.
The dancers returned because they could use it as a tool to formulate body actions which were outside their normal performance routines. Inspired by progressive practices, they stressed the connections between learning inside the school and life outside it. At that time, children’s services took the lion’s share of qualified social workers and, outside hospitals, older people received little service from qualified social workers. As discussed in the introduction, the ability to generate symbolic play requires the ability to produce actions outside the context in which they typically occur. Language can no longer be construed simply as a medium, relatively or potentially transparent, for the representation or expression of a reality outside itself.