Pho recipe
Pho is so much more than a bowl of noodle pho recipe. Working at Pho is much the same. It’s more than a job, it’s a career. No experience needed, we’d love to hear from you!
By signing up you are agreeing to receive marketing updates from Pho. This article is about the Vietnamese soup dish. Phở is a popular food in Vietnam where it is served in households, street stalls and restaurants countrywide. Phở originated in the early 20th century in Northern Vietnam, and was popularized throughout the world by refugees after the Vietnam War.
Phở likely evolved from similar noodle dishes. Xuân commune, Nam Trực District, Nam Định Province. Cultural historian and researcher Trịnh Quang Dũng believes that the popularization and origins of modern pho stemmed from the intersection of several historical and cultural factors in the early 20th century. From the pole hung two wooden cabinets, one housing a cauldron over a wood fire, the other storing noodles, spices, cookware, and space to prepare a bowl of phở.