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Our employees operate on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. Careers We offer one of the most competitive pay and benefits packages in the oil and gas industry, or any industry. We want you to thrive here, and we’re proud to offer the resources and the environment to encourage you not only to grow in your career, but soar in it. Benefits Competitive salary and an incentive bonus plan make Pioneer a cut above the rest. Job Openings Start your path to a rewarding career with plenty of opportunities to excel.
Campus Recruitment Internships and apprenticeships begin as soon as the second year of college. Discover why we like to say that our employees are our greatest asset. Om priset är för bra för att vara sant – var extra försiktig. Skicka eller ta aldrig emot pengar i förskott. Hej nu har vi flyttat till Nacka och behöver fylla upp våran bilhall. Enter the password that accompanies your e-mail. What Pioneer products fit my car?
AN EXTRA EYE ON THE ROAD. Installing a Pioneer Dash Camera can give you peace of mind. Protect yourself from fraudulent insurance claims by being able to use the recorded footage in the event of an incident, giving you the ability to identify who is at fault quickly and easily. Simply connect your smartphone, wirelessly or wired, pair the free Pioneer Smart Sync app to enjoy a smarter, connected driving experience. Car Specific Pioneer creates Car Specific solutions for a growing number of cars. Fit My Car’ tool and discover all possibilities!