Roasting frozen sweet potato cubes
The act of verbally assaulting someone until you hurt their feelings, sometimes to the point of making them cry. In most cases it is associated to fags who roasting frozen sweet potato cubes everyone likes them. Chris acted so tight, even though nobody liked him, so i started roasting him in front of everybody.
Chris: Hey everybody check out my new threads. Chris: My jeans cost more than you’re whole outfit. John: It looks like you got them things as a hand-me-down. Chris: What makes you think that? John: There’s a huge ketchup stain in the front, and your jeans are so tight they look like they chopping off your ankles.
Step one: choose a start ex. Get outta here, with your” or “look at you with your” or “get your”. Step two: insert the most freaking random object or thing that comes to your mind. Note that roasts used to be much more well thought out, and I am very disappointed of what roasting has become.
Tags: chicken wings, tuna