Seaweed salad roll
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We hope that you find the site useful. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This article is about the aquatic plant-like algae. For its culinary uses, see Edible seaweed. For the similarly-named plant, see Seagrass. Seaweed, or macroalgae, refers to thousands of species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae. Natural seaweed ecosystems are sometimes under threat from human activity.
For example, mechanical dredging of kelp destroys the resource and dependent fisheries. Humans have a long history of cultivating seaweeds for their uses. Seaweed” lacks a formal definition, but seaweed generally lives in the ocean and is visible to the naked eye. The term refers to both flowering plants submerged in the ocean, like eelgrass, as well as larger marine algae.
The number of seaweed species is still discussed among scientists, but most likely there are several thousand species of seaweed. The following table lists a very few example genera of seaweed. Seaweed’s appearance resembles non-woody terrestrial plants. The stipe and blade are collectively known as the frond. Two environmental requirements dominate seaweed ecology. At the surface, they are only wetted by the tops of sea spray, while some species may attach to a substrate several meters deep. In some areas, littoral seaweed colonies can extend miles out to sea.