Smoked queso
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Smoked queso mixture of gases and small suspended particles of soot or other solids, resulting from the burning of materials such as wood or coal. A cloud of such gases and suspended particles. A vapor, mist, or fume that resembles this.
The act of smoking a form of tobacco: went out for a smoke. Informal Tobacco in a form that can be smoked, especially a cigarette: money to buy smokes. A substance used in warfare to produce a smokescreen. Something used to conceal or obscure. A pale to grayish blue to bluish or dark gray. To draw in and exhale smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe: It’s forbidden to smoke here. To engage in smoking regularly or habitually: He smoked for years before stopping.
To emit smoke or a smokelike substance: chimneys smoking in the cold air. To emit smoke excessively: The station wagon smoked even after the tune-up. To go or proceed at high speed. To play or perform energetically: The band was really smoking in the second set. To do so regularly or habitually: I used to smoke filtered cigarettes.
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