Sour cream sauce for perogies
Russian cuisine that consist of a filling wrapped in thin, unleavened dough. It is debated sour cream sauce for perogies they originated in Ural or Siberia. Pelmeni have been described as “the heart of Russian cuisine”. The dough is made from flour and water, sometimes adding a small portion of eggs.
Adding small amounts of cabbage, tomato and horseradish into the mince is also common for certain regional recipes. Temperature and humidity have considerable impact on dough consistency and stability. The first mention of a dish similar to dumplings comes from ancient Greece, but the Ural region seems to be the original homeland of pelmeni. Pelmeni are a particularly good means of quickly preserving meat during the long Siberian winter, thereby eliminating the need to feed livestock during the long winter months. Thus, despite their Uralic origin, pelmeni were much influenced by the Siberian way of cooking. Pelmeni belong to the family of dumplings, and are related to Ukrainian varenyky and Polish uszka.