Tequila drinks
Poveznice na tequila drinks jezike nalaze se uz naslov članka, pri vrhu stranice. Tequila je jako alkoholno piće primarno napravljena u okolici Tequile, grada u zapadnoj meksičkoj državi Jalisco. Mnogi u zabludi smatraju da je agava kaktus, no spada u porodicu mesnatica. Tequila je u gradu Tequili prvi put proizvedena u 16.
Osamdeset godina kasnije, oko 1600-te, Don Pedro Sánchez od Tagle, markiz od Altamira, počeo je masovno proizvoditi tequilu u prvoj tvornici u modernom Jaliscu. Tequila kakvu danas poznajemo počela se proizvoditi ranih 1800-ih u Guadalajari, Meksiko, a kroz prošlo stoljeće postala je popularna diljem svijeta. Iako su neke tequile ostale kao obiteljske sorte, najpoznatije vrste tequile proizvode se u velikim multinacionalnim korporacijama. Preko 100 destilerija proizvodi 600 vrsta tequile u Meksiku, a preko 2000 imena za tequilu je registrirano. Kompanija Tequila Ley prodala je litru tequile iz limitirane kolekcije za 225,000 američkih dolara u srpnju 2006.
Ova kategorija uvedena je u ožujku 2006. Proces starenja mijenja boju tequile, ali katkad se neovisno o starosti dodaje karamela kako bi se dobila tamna boja. Pogrešno je shvaćanje da neke tequile imaju crva u boci. Crv je zapravo oblik moljca Hypopta agavis koji živi na biljci agavi. Nalazak moljca na biljkama tijekom procesa proizvodnje rezultira nižom kvalitetom proizvoda. Tequila se poslužuje sa soli i kriškom limuna.
Zatim poliže sol, popije tequilu i posiše limun. Sol ublažava žestinu tequile, dok voće uravnotežuje i začinjava okus. Tako da se jednake količine tequile i sangrite piju naizmjence. U Njemačkoj i još nekim državama umjesto soli i limuna koristi se cimet i kriška naranče. Ova stranica posljednji je put uređivana 14. Tequila is a distilled spirit made from the blue Agave or Agave Azul, and produced only in five areas of Mexico.
It can be drunk on its own or in a cocktail. Find out more in our full guide below. Some Tequilas are extra-aged giving them a richer gold hue. Mexican states that are legally allowed to produce Tequila: Jalisco and parts of Guanajuanto, Tamaulipas, Michoacan and Nayarit. Made from: The agave plant, which although has the appearance of a cactus, is a succulent related to the lily family and native to Mexico. Translation: The name is derived from the Mexican town of Tequila, which lies to the northwest of the major city of Guadalajara. These plants are particularly suited to the silicate-rich, red volcanic soils in the region around the city of Tequila with more than 300 million plants harvested there every year.
But it wasn’t until the 16th Century when the Spanish conquistadors who had settled in Mexico in 1521 ran out of their supply of brandy and decided to use their knowledge of distillation to turn pulque into a spirit. Around 1600 the first mass-produced tequila was being made with the first official license to commercially make tequila issued by Spain’s King Carlos IV to the Cuervo family in 1975. There are currently over 22,000 registered agave farmers in the DOC Tequila region cultivating several hundred million agave plants over 125,000 hectares. Regulations The Mexican government has imposed strict regulation to control what can be called Tequila and how it is made. Blue Agave, with legislation allowing for the remainder to be made up of a neutral spirit made from cane sugar juice. Tequila is made from ripe blue agave plants which take a minimum of six years to mature but those planted in the highlands frequently take much longer to reach maturity and can be up to 12 years.