The girls strawberry
Girls is an American comedy-drama television series created by and starring Lena Dunham, executive-produced by Judd Apatow. The girls strawberry series depicts four young women living in New York City. The first season of Girls was filmed between April and August 2011. The first three episodes were screened at the 2012 SXSW Festival and the series premiered on HBO on April 15, 2012.
The second season ran on HBO from January 13, 2013, to March 17, 2013. There were a total of 62 episodes. Aspiring writer Hannah is shocked when her parents, visiting from East Lansing, Michigan, announce that they will no longer financially support her as they had done since her graduation from Oberlin College two years earlier. Promotional poster for the series premiere showing the cast.
Lena Dunham as Hannah Helene Horvath: an aspiring writer living in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, originally from East Lansing, Michigan, known for her spunk and bad decisions, who struggles to support herself and find a direction in her life. Allison Williams as Marnie Marie Michaels: Hannah’s best friend and, at the start of season 1, roommate. Along with Jessa, Charlie and Elijah, Marnie was a classmate of Hannah’s at Oberlin College. She worked as an art gallery assistant, but is later fired in Season 2 and is left to pursue her dream: a career in music.