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It is used at the end of a sentence that makes a statement i. It is used to separate the elements in a series i. Kahvaltıda ekmek, peynir, zeytin ve bal yedim. I ate bread, cheese, turkish restaurant edmonton and honey for breakfast.
We ate, we drank, we played, we had fun. In the direct speech when we don’t want to use quotation i. She said: Tomorrow I will go to Adana. After words expressing agreement or disagreement like hayır, yok, evet, peki, pekâlâ, tamam, olur, hayhay, başüstüne, öyle, haydi, elbette i.
When the meaning is changing in a sentence i. In English, a dot is used: 2. It is used when we have groups of words, separated by commas i. Nur, Çiçek, Gönül, Ayşe adları verilir. It is used to introduce a list or a catalog i.
For statements in reported speech i. It is used after names and place names in the possessive, accusative, locative, dative and ablative case i. With abbreviations of ordinal numbers i. What are we going to do now?
Attention: It is not used for institutions and services i. It is used at the end of a direct question i. In parentheses when we doubt about something i. It is used at the end of an emphatic declaration, interjection, or command. It usually expresses fear, surprise or admiration i. They are used when we want to omit some words in a phrase. They usually express admiraiton, irony or fear i.
They are used in direct speech i. They say: “There is no other city in the world like Istanbul! They set off the titles of things that do not normally stand by themselves: short stories, poems, book titles and articles i. Bir Dinozorun Anıları” diye bir kitap yazdı. It is used to provide more information or to explain a phrase.