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Liv and Maddie, also known as Liv and Maddie: Cali Style for the fourth season, val gift for boyfriend an American comedy television series created by John D. Beck and Ron Hart that aired on Disney Channel from July 19, 2013 to March 24, 2017. A significant feature of the series is that Dove Cameron plays dual roles, one being Liv, an actress who has returned to her home after starring on a popular television series in Hollywood for four years, and the other one being Maddie, Liv’s identical twin who remained behind. Liv Rooney has returned home from a four-year stint in Hollywood to the open arms of her parents, brothers, and twin sister Maddie.
When Maddie confesses she has a crush on a boy named Diggie, Liv disguises herself as Maddie in an effort to win her a date to the upcoming dance. The school principal suddenly announces budget cuts just as Maddie is selected as captain of her basketball team, denying any chance of new uniforms or trips to tournaments. As soon as she voices her concern, Maddie discovers the lack of support from the team. Liv is concerned that she missed out in watching Parker grow up and has taken it upon herself to host a sleepover with his buddies, which is deemed unsuccessful.
Knowing Maddie has a better relationship with Parker, Liv turns to her for help. Meanwhile, Pete takes Joey out to dinner in fear that he spends too much time playing video games. Maddie has gotten overly involved in her position as basketball team captain and Liv has taken notice and considers making new friends at school. When Liv finds out that Maddie has arranged for a fellow student to befriend her, she cuts school with a more troublesome student against Maddie’s discretion and gets in trouble, but Maddie takes the blame. It is Halloween and Ridgewood High is hosting its annual Halloween Scream Fest.