Veronica sixtos
House of Payne is an American sitcom television series created and produced by Tyler Perry that premiered in syndication on June 21, 2006. The series revolves around a multi-generational veronica sixtos living under one roof in Atlanta led by patriarch Curtis Payne and his wife Ella.
A cable record for sitcom airings was broken with 5. 8 million for the two premiere episodes on TBS on June 6, 2007. However, the audience declined to 4. 3 million as of the week ending September 30, 2007 and 2. 099 as of May 19, 2010. The original format of the series centred around C. The characters were written out, with Jazmine going away to a school for gifted children in North Carolina and Claretha marrying a prince and moving away.
Larramie “Doc” Shaw, who portrayed Malik, appeared infrequently after the sixth season. This was due to Shaw’s work schedules for The Suite Life on Deck and Pair of Kings. He remained a cast member throughout the series. Tyler Perry directed every episode of the first 5 seasons. Throughout Season 6, each episode was directed by actress Kim Fields or her mother Chip Hurd.
Tyler Perry directed some of the episodes in seasons 7 and 8 while other episodes were directed by Kim Fields, Chip Hurd, and producer Roger M. On September 28, 2011, TBS ordered 42 episodes. Season 8 began airing October 21, 2011, and concluded the series with a total of 254 episodes. The show aired its final two episodes on August 10, 2012. On January 30, 2017, a spin-off follow-up series titled The Paynes was ordered by Oprah Winfrey Network.
It follows Ella and Curtis Payne as they enjoy retirement in Florida only to get caught in a real-estate deal that turns their lives upside down. The series was greenlighted for 38 episodes and premiered on January 16, 2018. After a possible revival was teased on Twitter, it was officially announced on February 4, 2020, that House of Payne would return with a ninth season to premiere on BET in the fall. On May 3, 2021, it was announced that the tenth season would premiere on May 25, 2021.
On the same day, it was renewed for an eleventh season ahead of the tenth-season premiere. The eleventh season premiered on March 23, 2022. House of Payne revolves around the Payne family who resides in the suburban Atlanta. It is noted that all main cast members are credited only for the episodes in which they appear. He is often referred to as Uncle Curtis by his nephew C. Janine, and their children, Malik and Jazmine.
Curtis is known for his hackneyed jokes and overly-loud delivery. She is a stay-at-home mother and the voice of reason. Curtis has been known to take advantage of Ella’s good nature—and to be punished for it. Ella is the family’s religious voice and the glue that holds it together. A good cook, she had a restaurant service in one episode.